Wednesday, November 23, 2016

My Little Monkey

My Little Monkey 
(for my daughter Abby)

Tiny steps on wobbly legs 
Little giggles as you nod your head 
Try so hard to chase your sister 
Smiling at me with your eyes so blue 

I love you baby, I want you to know 

A year has gone by since we first met 
A little monkey, it’s hard to keep up 
You climb on this, you climb on that 

Watching you play, watching you learn 
I look behind me, you’re climbing again 
Standing on a chair, my heart starts to race 
Big grin on your face, look what I can do! 

Before I can get you, you climb back down 
Come up beside me, blue eyes shining 
Oh, how I love you, my little monkey 
Afraid of nothing, yes that’s you 

~Shawna K. Whaley

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